The Call for a Concept Development Competition: The Local Food Game
Hey You! Are you interested in to develop a concept or even a game concerning Local Food? Now it is time to take part in a national concept development competition that is focused on Local Food and its supply chain from the fields to the consumer and finally to the waste in Finland.
The focus of the competition is on young people that are in their final years in elementary school. The goal is to innovate games that are having an educational edge.
The competition is open to all and the best and most usable concept will be granted a prize of 100-200€. If the winning team/person is willing to develop the concept into an actual game a reward of 2000€ will be given as a compensation to the team.
If you are interested, please, leave your concept by the 17th of March 2017 to The organizing party will reserve rights not to give rewards if suitable concept(s) are not offered to the competition.
The organizer of the competition is the Coordination and communication project for local food chains in Central Finland managed by JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Jyväskylä, Finland. The main target of the project is to promote local food chains and countryside enterprises in Central Finland as one entity together with provincial and nationwide cooperation. The project is funded by Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment via The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
More information about the competition:
Senior Lecturer, Concept Wizard Niko Kiviaho, MSc (Information technology)
JAMK University of Applied Sciences
School of Business
Business Information Systems
More information about the project:
Project Manager Leena Pölkki,
Communication Specialist Toni Laajalahti,
JAMK University of Applied Sciences
School of Business
More information about the local food in Finland:
LUKE (Natural Resources Institute Finland):
MMM (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry):
Article picture: ©maaseutuverkosto, Contum Oy.